hello bloggrs today i will be showinng you my reading create task it is about teamwork i hope you like it.
teamwork by Taha Nabi
hello bloggrs today i will be showinng you my reading create task it is about teamwork i hope you like it.
teamwork by Taha Nabi
Hello bloggers today i will be showing you my pb4l work it is about including others it was not that hard i loved doing this because it is about messi i hope you like it
Hello bloggers today i will be showing you my reading create task 2 it is about my football t shirt creation
i have done this about ronaldo i searched for the number the name and the t shirt i hope you like it i tried to be creative .
hello bloggers today i will be showing you my reading create task it is about if my dad was a soccer star
it was pretty cool i have done about 30 blogs now i have more than some of the year 6s i love blogging and by the way scroll down to see my work
if my dad was a soccer star by Taha Nabi
hello bloggers today I will be showing you my maths blog this my 4th blog of the day it is crazy that the year 6s have not blogged the hole day I have almost blogged everything really hard to blog everything
hello bloggers today is I’ll be showing you my inquiry I was not here yesterday I wonder if my class did stretching anyways back to my inquiry my inquiry is about if football i worked on this for like 5 minutes the year 6s have not blogged that is crazy for me that i am a year 4 since the first time I came in kereru i have done about 30 blogs.
hi bloggerss
today I will be showing my dlo of what does the wigram cones mean the wigram cones mean that if you see the wigram
cone that is orange If you see it it means you should not go there scroll down to see my work
Hi bloogers
today i will be showing you guys my blog about ice hockey i do not know that much about ice hockey
but I know I thing or two maybe I can tell you what I know in ice hockey you have to dribble a little hard ball in to a little goal with a goalkeeper scroll down to see my work